Monthly Archives: December 2010

Still here in body only

Still here in body only

December 30, 2010
Fixed, News

It’s been a rather busy few weeks which is why there hasn’t been any updates to ye olde blog. I should be uploading some interior photos of the boat along with some info on where things are and how things are going. A quick version right now is that we’ve got all the parts to […]

Groove Shark

Groove Shark

December 20, 2010
Fixed, Media

Ok. Just a quick post on this site. IF you like music, or better yet, streaming audio websites this is by FAR the best one I’ve found out there. I mean seriously. USE this music application if you haven’t already or “install” it as a Chrome Web App. It’s free and it’s like iTunes but […]

Hooks in a public shower

Hooks in a public shower

December 3, 2010
Fixed, Uncategorized

Ok. So this is going to be a pedantic point but I’ve come to the conclusion that there is an opitmal number of hooks for a single person to have in a public shower. Currently I’m using the marina shower and bathroom facilities for my daily ablutions. These are locked off from the public so […]

Holy crap… It’s December!

Holy crap… It’s December!

December 1, 2010
Boat, Fixed, Uncategorized

Who’s done all their Christmas shopping raise their hands… … … Good I’m not the only one that hasn’t done it yet either. WHEW! I, like many in my family (read all), find it incredibly difficult to get into the Christmas “mood” when there isn’t any snow around. While my parents house has certainly had […]