Monthly Archives: March 2010

Chaos ensued

Chaos ensued

March 31, 2010
Boat, News

So what has been going on with the boat? Well its been a little while since I’ve done a post and I thought I’d have very little to post about honestly as it seems that for the most part the marine industry moves at a pace just slightly faster than a herd of turtles through […]

Naming the ship

Naming the ship

March 16, 2010

Yes I’ve been neglecting my interblag for a bit. Things have been unusually busy at work, at home, and with the boat. I’ve opted to go with Plan C out of the plans I listed earlier… Of which I haven’t described yet… Ya… So Plan C is to buy a ship from the US and […]

Plan A vs Plan B

Plan A vs Plan B

March 3, 2010

The radio silence on this blog recently is mainly due to a new development that has manifested itself (along with the usual work whackiness getting in the way of things). I still have yet to send off my plans to the Aluminum guys (something I hope to do this week) to get an estimate but […]