Category Archives: Weird People

I need a vacation from this vacation

I need a vacation from this vacation

January 3, 2014
Boat, News, Renovations, Weird People

Life, I have found, doesn’t give a rodents fart for your carefully laid plans. Case in point, this past month and a bit. Originally I had hoped that by now I’d be insulating the v-birth whereas I’m still trying to get around to attaching the portholes to the hull. So what happened? Let me regale […]

Captain Jack Sparrow?

Captain Jack Sparrow?

January 7, 2013
Boat, Captains Log, Weird People

In my desperate struggle to attempt to catch up with my blog posts for the last few months I bring to you the story of the Canadian Captain Jack Sparrow. Please note that I put the date of this post to coincide as close as possible with the actual event. So hence why this looks […]

Ma’ Beaker appears!

Ma’ Beaker appears!

June 15, 2010
News, Weird People

A few days ago I had a string of weird people meetings on the GO Train. 3 in 1 day in fact. First on the way in I sat across from 2 highschool students that were going into University soon. One was going for some fairly generic courses (can’t remember which exactly), the other was […]