Category Archives: Uncategorized

Introducing Bindy!

Introducing Bindy!

April 7, 2016

So we got ourselves a new furry companion on the boat. Meet Bindy! She’s a 14 month old (as of this post) tabby that we picked up from Pawsway which is near where we dock for winter. We didn’t think we were going to get a new pet for quite a while yet but she is just […]

A busy few weeks with a lot of good news

A busy few weeks with a lot of good news

November 2, 2011
Boat, Captains Log, News, Uncategorized

Hey all. So a number of things have gone on. We moved the boat! We’re back at Pier 4 for winter again. I piloted the ship out of TIM (thanks to Mitch giving me guidance on how to handle the ship) so now I’m no longer called “Swabby” by Dad. The best news is that […]



May 24, 2011

So ya. I spent the rapture with my number 1 gal on the boat for the 3pm time slot and the I was having poutine with pulled pork at the 6pm time slot. Not a bad way to spend the beginning of the end of the world really 🙂 Our friend Harrod Camping has revised […]



May 17, 2011

Or not as I have milk that expires on May 22nd therefore the raptures date (as discerned by Mr.Camping) May 21st can’t be accurate. Anyways I do have some animal related posts to put up but I have a few things to get sorted out first (ie photos and some maps as to where I’ve […]

Random Musings on Fantasy Stories

Random Musings on Fantasy Stories

May 10, 2011

I have lots to write about I just never seem to sit down and actually tell the tales via my blog. Primarily because I get distracted by, well, distractions or I’m just not in the mood to write. For instance today I wanted to do a post on the animals I’ve encountered at TIM so […]

Stromboli the pizza roll with an identity crisis

Stromboli the pizza roll with an identity crisis

March 9, 2011
Movies, Uncategorized

This is a bit of a messed up meal. I had never given it any thought until someone at the office pointed out that Stromboli is the name of a place. But first, BEHOLD! This is a Stromboli. Basically it’s a pizza that has been rolled up. That’s about it. It makes eating an entire […]

Hooks in a public shower

Hooks in a public shower

December 3, 2010
Fixed, Uncategorized

Ok. So this is going to be a pedantic point but I’ve come to the conclusion that there is an opitmal number of hooks for a single person to have in a public shower. Currently I’m using the marina shower and bathroom facilities for my daily ablutions. These are locked off from the public so […]

Holy crap… It’s December!

Holy crap… It’s December!

December 1, 2010
Boat, Fixed, Uncategorized

Who’s done all their Christmas shopping raise their hands… … … Good I’m not the only one that hasn’t done it yet either. WHEW! I, like many in my family (read all), find it incredibly difficult to get into the Christmas “mood” when there isn’t any snow around. While my parents house has certainly had […]