Author Archives: jbrierton

Pathfinder has sold

Pathfinder has sold

December 15, 2017
Boat, Captains Log

This will be a short post but it is to mark the end of a chapter for my wife and I. Pathfinder has been sold. We will miss the lifestyle, our friends at the marinas, and all the adventures we shared. We’ll come back to visit naturally though. We’re very happy with who has bought […]

Pathfinder is for sale!

Pathfinder is for sale!

November 1, 2016

We’ve had a great 7 years on the boat but due to some life circumstances we have to move on.   As such here is a link to the advertisement: Kijiji Ad

Introducing Bindy!

Introducing Bindy!

April 7, 2016

So we got ourselves a new furry companion on the boat. Meet Bindy! She’s a 14 month old (as of this post) tabby that we picked up from Pawsway which is near where we dock for winter. We didn’t think we were going to get a new pet for quite a while yet but she is just […]

Belated updates

Belated updates

February 1, 2016

This is an extremely tardy entry which I do apologize for but it wasn’t without reason. I’ve been working on a different blog engine entirely that is a bit more aligned to what I use it for plus a few other features that I think would be useful/interesting. It’s still a work in progress so […]

An actual floor! That is somewhat finished.

An actual floor! That is somewhat finished.

November 8, 2015
Boat, Renovations

So we decided to tile the floor near the main entrance of our boat on the inside. There were 2 main reasons for this. To not damage the plywood anymore with salt and winter boots etc. To practice tiling. The first part is just as a matter of preventative maintenance which is good. The second […]

Off to hibernate for winter again

Off to hibernate for winter again

November 4, 2015
Boat, Captains Log, Log

Posted from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Our move is complete. But naturally… since it’s me… Things didn’t go exactly uhhh… normal? The plan was this. The night before I’d fire up the engines, then they day of my parents and aunt would come on over along with Mitch and we’d just toddle on over. Done. So […]

Back in white… err…

Back in white… err…

September 27, 2015
Boat, Renovations

Yes this blog is still active. We just had a bit of a bumpy summer making it rather difficult to find the will to write. I won’t touch on that right now so I’ll just move on. The top of the pilot house has been an eyesore since we got Pathfinder nearly 6 years ago. […]

What I was up to over the winter

What I was up to over the winter

April 22, 2015
Boat, Renovations

Ye old blog was sadly neglected over this past winter. Like in my previous post I did mention that there were a few reasons for this such as my never ending migraines, new work responsibilities, also there was a few things that cropped up that slowed down what work could be done. Jeannie is diligently […]

Running from Pan-Am game central

Running from Pan-Am game central

April 18, 2015
Boat, Captains Log, Log

Posted from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This winter finally has come to a close just in time for more snow coming this coming Thursday apparently. Over this time I have not been idle but not a lot has been going on for the boat itself. I’ll have a post talking about some of the fun we […]

A quick fix

A quick fix

November 11, 2014
Boat, Renovations

This is just a small post to show a nice little thing I did to help keep the boat warm. In our galley we have 2 doors that aren’t particularly well insulated or even draft tight. So usually what you can do to at least stop drafts is jam any gaps full of insulating foam […]