The sea’s were getting rough, the little ship was tossed…

No we didn’t go for a 3 hour tour recently in the boat but with the weather as it is currently the marina we’re in is more akin to a washing machine than a calm harbor. Basically whenever the winds kick up the waves out in the lake (especially if the wind is coming from the south at all) all the wave action starts to funnel into the marina area tossing around all the boats there. It’s times like these I’m happy that Pathfinder has serious bulk on its side so the waves have a harder time moving us around but even then there are times when Jeannie and I will be there and we’re both feeling a bit sea sick. But to make ourselves feel better we look out the window at the other ships in the marina. Dear LORD I have no idea how those people stay in bed with the boats tossing like they do. It was SO rough this morning that one of our fellow boaters was tossed from the dock into the water. He was alright and some people were able to help him get out but still… BIG waves (just a note out there to people worried that the same will happen to the crew of the Pathfinder, don’t worry. We’re tied up to the concrete wall so when we stand on our “dock” we’re actually standing on land not a floating platform).

If the weather is still as rough as it is now tonight I’ll take some photos of the waves going by the entrance of the marina. BIG white caps.

Also these waves should be moderated out a LOT more in the coming week when Kajama and the Empire Sandy arrive in our area… Like they said they were about 3 weeks ago… I’m not exactly holding my breath BUT it would be nice for them to be there to help curb the wave action we’re suffering through some nights.

Sorry for the meandering post there. I woke up early to the weather and a lot of crashing noises which turned out to be the ships on the other side getting tossed around roughly. So I’m a bit disoriented. Fortunately today should be fairly light work wise.

Also GOOD LUCK JEANNIE on your second interview!

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