Category Archives: News

Momentum and weather

Momentum and weather

March 15, 2012
Boat, News

So ya. I’ve kinda lost some steam with the renos on the boat lately. I find it’s very hard to pick it back up especially with everything going on as of lately (wedding planning, work, weather causing fantastic migraines etc). So nothing lately to report in that area. Even the stuff I have planned isn’t […]

New Staircase installed!

New Staircase installed!

February 27, 2012
Boat, News

Not this past weekend but the one before we finally got to install a new staircase in the boat down into the cargo hold… This would in fact be the 3rd system put in so far but it is the last. Lets go over the systems I had (sadly I have no photos of them). […]

Jeannie’s Christmas gift and Pathfinder joins the 1970’s!

Jeannie’s Christmas gift and Pathfinder joins the 1970’s!

February 21, 2012
Boat, News

So as I eluded to in the last post I had been very busy over December and January. What have I been doing? Well when Jeannie came back she saw this in the galley.   The wrapped sink stares into your SOUL! Dishwasher says “LIFE IS FUNNNNN!” Which when unwrapped (as the captions suggest as […]

Remember remember

Remember remember

February 7, 2012

So no I haven’t disappeared entirely what I was doing was being very busy over the past month and a bit. One reason I wasn’t posting anything was that I didn’t want to leak all the work I got done on the boat since that was basically part of the Christmas gift to Jeannie (and […]

A busy few weeks with a lot of good news

A busy few weeks with a lot of good news

November 2, 2011
Boat, Captains Log, News, Uncategorized

Hey all. So a number of things have gone on. We moved the boat! We’re back at Pier 4 for winter again. I piloted the ship out of TIM (thanks to Mitch giving me guidance on how to handle the ship) so now I’m no longer called “Swabby” by Dad. The best news is that […]

Still here in body only

Still here in body only

August 22, 2011

Hey all. Just a quick note here on the distinct lack of any updates lately. I do have a lot of posts in the works but I’ve been either too busy to finish them or frankly too tired after all the work. With how some things are going lately I’ve also been left a bit […]

Heat wave! Oi! Oi!

Heat wave! Oi! Oi!

March 8, 2011
Boat, Fixed, News

Again I have failed in updating my blog in a timely manor. Saying that I’ve been busy is kinda redundant at this point, regardless though here’s the much awaited update including more pictures including a few of the interior! In case people are missing the title reference here’s the YouTube from “A Muppet Christmas Carol” […]

Josh vs The Webastard

Josh vs The Webastard

February 15, 2011
Boat, Fixed, News

Wow. So it’s been a month since my last update. Huh. I wonder how that happened… Whoops. Anyways I’ve been very busy lately which is 1 reason for the lack of posts. I’ll get some photos up once I have sorted out the heating system aka the Webastard. So the way the ship will be […]

Winter is here to stay

Winter is here to stay

January 10, 2011
Boat, Fixed, News

1 thing that is a bit of a bummer and bonus about living in Toronto and global warming is that winter doesn’t really start until mid January now. This sucks because frankly I like snow. Snow makes things nice and white (Toronto looks clean while its snowing for instance!), it also has a sound dampening […]

Still here in body only

Still here in body only

December 30, 2010
Fixed, News

It’s been a rather busy few weeks which is why there hasn’t been any updates to ye olde blog. I should be uploading some interior photos of the boat along with some info on where things are and how things are going. A quick version right now is that we’ve got all the parts to […]